Mantra solo penyanyi K-pop Jennie mencapai tangga lagu global, lirik, MV

 Jennie, anggota BLACKPINK, akhirnya merilis lagu solo dan merilis video musik. Ini adalah masalah karena dia keluar dengan konsep yang berbeda dari yang diharapkan. Saya pikir dia saat ini setting rekor di luar negeri global chart. Saya akan membagikan berita ini kepada Anda tentang arti, lirik, dan video musik "Mantra." Ada di grafik di luar negeri Lagu solo Jennie "Mantra," anggota Black Pink, masuk Spotify di No. Lagu ini dikatakan sebagai rekaman terbaik untuk lagu solo Jennie. Selain itu, "Mantra" berada di peringkat ke-57 dengan sekitar 560.000 streaming di AS untuk Daily Top Song.  Pada tengah malam tanggal 13, Mantra menduduki peringkat No.1 di tangga lagu Bugs, situs musik domestik, dan Top Song of iTunes di 57 negara termasuk Amerika Serikat, Brasil, Singapura, Filipina, dan Meksiko. Makna Mantra Mantra berarti mantra meditasi, dan dalam lagu Jenny, tampaknya menggunakannya sebagai keinginan perempuan. Lirik dan makna JENNIE - Mantra​ (Pretty pr


 BLACKPINKのメンバー、ジェニがついにソロ曲を発表し、ミュージックビデオを公開しました。 予想と違うコンセプトで出たので、 問題です。 今、海外のグローバルチャートで 記録を出していると思います。 「Mantra」の意味、歌詞、MVについてお知らせします 海外チャートにあります BLACKPINKのメンバーであるジェニのソロ曲「マントラ」が11日発売初日、525万ストリームに迫るSpotifyで5位を記録しました。 ジェニのソロ曲の中で、 一番いいアルバムだそうです。 さらに、「マントラ」はデイリー·トップ·ソングで全米で約56万本のストリームを記録し、57位にランクインしました。  マントラは13日午前0時基準で、米国、ブラジル、シンガポール、フィリピン、メキシコなど57カ国の国内音源サイト「バグズ」とiTunesの「トップソング」リアルタイムチャートで1位を占めました。 Mantraの意味です  マントラは瞑想の呪文を意味し、ジェニーの歌ではそれを女性の欲望として使っているようです。 歌詞 JENNIE - Mantra​ (Pretty pretty pretty pretty) This that pretty girl mantra これはかわいい女の子の呪文です This that flaunt ya 今から世界にご案内します。 Just touched down in LA 私は今Lに着きました。a Pretty girls don't do drama かわいい子はドラマに夢中になりません Less we wanna しかし、私たちがそうしたいとき、それは例外です It'll be depending on the day その日の気分次第かもしれません Pretty girls packed in a Defender Defenderの車にはかわいい女の子がたくさんいます Know Imma defend her 私は知っています、私は彼ら全員を守ります。 Never let her catch no stray 私は彼らを傷つけません This that pretty girl mantra これはかわいい女の子の呪文です She's that stunna とてもきれいです Make you wanna swi

El mantra solista de K-pop Jennie alcanza las listas globales, letras, MV

 Jennie, miembro de BLACKPINK, finalmente ha lanzado una canción en solitario y lanzado un video musical. Es un problema porque ella salió con un concepto diferente de lo esperado. Creo que está poniendo récords en las listas mundiales del extranjero. Compartiré esta noticia con ustedes sobre el significado, la letra y el video musical de "Mantra". Está en las listas en el extranjero. La canción solista de Jennie "Mantra", un miembro de Black Pink, estuvo en Spotify en el número 5 con casi 5.25 millones de streams el primer día de su lanzamiento el 11. Se dice que es el mejor disco para la canción solista de Jennie. Además, "Mantra" ocupó el puesto 57 con alrededor de 560.000 streams en los Estados Unidos para la Daily Top Song.  A medianoche del día 13, Mantra clasificó el número 1 en las listas en tiempo real de Bugs, un sitio de música doméstica, y Top Song de iTunes en 57 países, incluyendo Estados Unidos, Brasil, Singapur, Filipinas y México. Signific

K-pop singer Jennie's solo mantra hits global charts, lyrics, MV

 Jennie, the member of BLACKPINK, has finally released a solo song and released a music video. It's an issue because she came out with a different concept than expected. I think she's currently setting records in overseas global charts. I'll share this news with you about the meaning, lyrics, and music video of "Mantra." It's on the charts abroad Jennie's solo song "Mantra," a member of Black Pink, charted on Spotify at No. 5 with nearly 5.25 million streams on the first day of its release on the 11th. It is said to be the best record for Jennie's solo song. In addition, "Mantra" ranked 57th with about 560,000 streams in the U.S. for the Daily Top Song.  As of midnight on the 13th, Mantra ranked No. 1 in the real-time charts of Bugs, a domestic music site, and Top Song of iTunes in 57 countries including the U.S., Brazil, Singapore, the Philippines, and Mexico. Meaning of Mantra (만트라) The mantra means a meditation spell, and in

Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday, the president of rock and roll, and all the presidents of the United States

Rock and Roll President Greg Allman and Jimmy Carter, the anecdote-famous former U.S. president, will celebrate their 100th birthday on Oct. 1, 2024. He was born exactly on October 1, 1924, which is the oldest president ever to survive. For reference, Eleanor Rosalynn Smith Carter, the wife of former President Jimmy Carter, also lived a long life until Nov. 19, 2023, when she turned 96. I'm celebrating his 100th birthday, and I'd like to share this by researching Jimmy Carter and past presidents of the United States. About President Jimmy Carter Born on October 1, 1924, he first made his name in politics as a senator for Georgia in 1963. The issue at that time was that the election was held in 1962, and although he failed the election at that time, he was able to win it because it was found to be a fraudulent election. He is one of the lucky politicians in this regard. As I will tell you later, no one knew when he became president that he would eventually become a pres

Top 10 must-eat food when you travel to Korea

These days, people around the world are fascinated by Korean cultures such as K-pop and K-drama, and they visit Korea to feel where their stars often visit and live. I would like to introduce Korean food that I can proudly post and show off on SNS if I visit Korea.  1. Bibimbap (Bibimbap) Bibimbap is one of Korea's representative traditional foods, which is a combination of the Korean word 'bibinda', which means mixing, and 'bap', which means rice.  It is a nutritious bowl of food that mixes various herbs, meat, eggs, etc. with rice. Bibimbap is also a dish that highlights the five colors that are characteristic of Korean food. The five colors, red (red chili paste), yellow (egg), green (spinach), white (rice), and black (dried seaweed flakes), are harmonious and visually appealing.  This harmony of colors symbolizes the nutritional balance of food and is an important factor in Korean traditional culture. How to Enjoy It: Add red pepper paste and mix well. Mixing th